Pulmonary Function Testing Specialist

Pulmonary & Sleep Disorders of New York
Igor Chernyavskiy, MD
Pulmonologist & Allergist located in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, NY
Dr. Chernyavskiy uses advanced pulmonary function testing to evaluate lung diseases and other breathing issues in patients at his Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, NY, practice, and to manage treatment to improve breathing and overall quality of life.
Pulmonary Function Testing Q&A
What is a pulmonary function test (PFT)?
Pulmonary function tests are tests that are used to evaluate how well your lungs are working. Different types of tests are available to measure different aspects of lung function, depending on your medical condition or the symptoms you're experiencing. Tests can measure how much air your lungs can hold, how well your lungs expel air, and how well your lungs work during physical activity.
When are PFTs used?
Pulmonary lung function tests are used primarily to diagnose breathing problems and determine if you might have a lung disease or condition. They're also used to assess your lung function following major surgery including bypass surgery, to evaluate treatments for lung diseases and other lung-related issues, and to understand how well your lungs are able to tolerate exercise. Pulmonary function testing can provide a wealth of information about your lungs and serve as an important tool in managing many lung treatments.
What happens during lung function testing?
In most lung function tests, you'll be asked to wear nose clips and a mouthpiece or a special mask to ensure you're breathing in and out only through your mouth. As you inhale and exhale, a special device called a spirometer will be used to measure your lung capacity and function. Depending on the test that's being conducted, you may be asked to breathe in different ways or to inhale very deeply or exhale as hard as you can.
Is pulmonary function testing safe?
Yes, all tests are performed in the office under medical supervision. At some points of the testing, you may feel slightly lightheaded, or you may feel some minor discomfort from repeatedly expending your chest to full capacity, but continual monitoring will ensure you don't experience distress.
Insurance Plans We Accept
Here is a short list of just some of the plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed.